Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am back

I have been lazy and not blogging lately. I will try in the future to be better. All I have been doing is reading, facebook, and games on the computer. I have so much to do that I guess, I just can't get going.
I have been having trouble sleeping because of my osteoarthritis in my neck. It cause severe pain when laying down, and it is very hard to sleep sitting up.
I need to get going spring is coming, and I need to redo my daughters room, which has become a toy room for the grandkids, who are not 11, 12, and 14 so they do not really play with the toys anymore. I am going to put a daybed, with a trundle bed underneath, in the room, and on the other side, an spot where I can do greeting cards and scrapbook. I will use the double closet for supplies, instead of toys. It seems as if talking about it doesn't accomplish much.
I will try to write in here more often, hopefully more interesting. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Pen said...

Its good to see you back on here Jan.
What you are writing is fine anyway.
I can relate to the pain and sleeping. But for me its the migraines. What a pain eh!!!
I dont blog that often either, but try to do if something actually happens.