Monday, June 16, 2008

busy June

I have been busy so far this month, with my gardens and my grandkids etc. We were at our
son's house this weekend to watch my grandson play baseball. He is staying with his dad this year, and so far, they are having a great time. We had a cookout and he cooked breakfast, the next morning.
I will have all three of my grandkids, the last week in June. That will be fun,exhausting, and expensive. I have a grandson 14 years old, a granddaughter 11, and another grandson also 11 years old. They are always hungry, and busy.
I have 7 flower gardens of various sizes, and one Large vegetable garden, as well as many many pots of flowers scattered around, This is what I do in April, May and June, get them ready and then maintain them the rest of the year.
I am also helping organize my high school reunion, and I am secretary/ treasurer of the family reunion. I organize that whole reunion.
I go to curves 4 or 5 times a wee,, and of course, the rest of my so called free time, is spent on reading and my favorite activity, SHOPPING and going to breakfast with the girls.

It is a good thing, I am retired, I do not have time to work.

I also am organizing our family pictures, and trying to do both sides(my husbands and mine)genealogical background.
My husband likes to stay home, mow lawn, and well stay home. We balance each other out. We do like to go visit our family and our friends, that we met at his navy reunion. They are scattered around the country. We hope to start traveling to see them. and of course, we have a reunion, once a year. This year is in Mobile, Alabama. Hurricane Katrina canceled our reunion that last time we tried to have a reunion in Mobile. Let us hope, for every one concerned, that there will be no terrible hurricane this year.
Well, have to go back to my veggie garden, break is over, have a good day!!!

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