Thursday, September 25, 2008

some favorite blogs

I am sad that some of my favorite blogs went private, and I tried to get them to let me be a part of it but sadly I wasn't to be a part of them. It makes me feel kind of odd, like I have been intruding on them, and they are stopping it. I guess, I see some of the reason, but I think they are overreacting but - that is life!!!! I will get over it, but I do not think I will get involved with too many blogs now, it feels funny when they shut you out. I am not sure of the reason for these closings but I wish them well, as I did really like and enjoy these people. Good luck to them.

Friday, September 19, 2008

goals for next week

Well, I have been on vacation for two weeks, 11 states and 3400 miles. I am exhausted. I have not done anything this week, recovering from vacation. Now it is time to buckle down and get a few thing that MUST be done for the fall.

1. get flower gardens weeked and put to bed for winter.
2. clean veggie garden, pick the last of the veggies and clean it off to be tilled for spring
3. Put peat on garden, so it the soil will not be dry.
4. clean up patios, breezeway, flower pots, and statues.
5. put garden shed in order so can walk in it this winter.
6. clean up odds and ends that need to be gone through, that I hid in the garden shed this summer.
7.clean basement, that got water in when we were gone(nice homecoming present.)

These thing need to be done and I am blogging, and then I am going to read. When I get up tomorrow, I will start on these projects. I will get back to you on my progress.
I am just being lazy putting these things off, I have to get better.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I have been tagged

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

I was tagged.
4 Places I go often:

visiting my family
book stores

4 people I email regularly

Ellie - high school friend
my daughter
Aunt Sarah

4 Places I love to eat

Panera Bread
Olive Garden

4 Places I would rather be

Maryland(my daughter just moved there.
Bloomington, Ill.
Branson, Mo
friends houses

TV shows I watch

Law & Order, SVU
Deadliest Catch

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

confused in blog land

I have two blogs and can only post in one of them. I have done something wrong, but what? Oh well, I will probably have to delete one of them.
Everybody who's blog I read is going private,it makes me feel like I am a unwanted person,and I have done something wrong, but I know I have not. Oh well. I can only take care of myself. I can't even figure my blog out. ha ha